Video: Killer Mike Interviews Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

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Killer Mike, who introduced presidential candidate Bernie Sanders at an Atlanta rally in November, has posted a full conversation with the Democratic nominee on his YouTube page. The conversation has been broken up into six videos, which can be viewed below, via Mike’s YouTube and Facebook pages.

The conversation, which took place Mike’s barber shop in Atlanta during Sanders’ November trip there, is about a variety of subjects, such as: what socialism means to the black community (Bernie: “To be truly free, you need economic rights”), the meaning of social justice, why Sanders got into politics, why people vote against their best interests, why Sanders is—according to Mike—the only politician who wants a smarter electorate, the importance of forming political coalitions (which Sanders responded to by fist bumping Mike), Donald Trump’s fascist tendencies, the astonishing percentage of black men in jail, the hypocrisy of marijuana laws, and the importance of voting in the upcoming presidential election. Bernie also joked about growing up “400 years ago.”

Watch the full conversation between Killer Mike and Bernie Sanders after the jump.