Tyler Perry Goes In On Spike Lee!

13 years ago view-show 870,804

Tyler goes in on Spike Lee!  He actually has a lot of valid points.  I still can’t fux with his movies/tv shows, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be right in the grand scheme of things.  Either way this guy is laughing all the way to the bank.  According to EW:

  • I’m so sick of hearing about damn Spike Lee, Spike can go straight to hell! You can print that. I am sick of him talking about me, I am sick of him saying, ‘this is a coon, this is a buffoon.’ I am sick of him talking about black people going to see movies. This is what he said: ‘you vote by what you see,’ as if black people don’t know what they want to see. “I am sick of him – he talked about Whoopi, he talked about Oprah, he talked about me, he talked about Clint Eastwood. Spike needs to shut the hell up!

Tyler calls out Spike by EURnews


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