T.I. Out Of Jail For Real Now?

13 years ago view-show 723,789

So T.I. was out of jail for half a second before the bureaucratic government officials got mad some reality TV show producer was on Tips bus. So they threw him back in prison.  Now he is out and will be located in a halfway house until September 29th and will remain on probation for one year.  Hopefully Tip can manage to not do some stupid sh*t and go right back.  According to TMZ:

T.I. has just returned to a halfway house to complete his prison sentence — this after he was yanked out of the halfway house last week and returned to prison for allegedly engaging in shenanigans on his tour bus.

As TMZ first reported, prison officials sent U.S. Marshals to the halfway house last week, after concluding T.I. had unauthorized people on the bus that transported him there.  Officials also claimed T.I. conducted business on the bus — something his reps strongly deny.

T.I.’s lawyer, Steve Sadow, tells TMZ, “We have good reason to believe that this favorable result was reached because of the proactive and assertive approach taken to protect T.I.’s rights by providing B.O.P. officials and the media with reliable and accurate information and that T.I. did not intend to violate his transfer furlough or any other B.O.P. rules en route from the prison facility in Arkansas to the halfway house in Atlanta.”

Sadow adds, “T.I. will be released from custody on Sept. 29, and then will be supervised by the U.S. Probation Office for a period of 1 year.”
