T.I. Admits To Having A Drug Problem

14 years ago view-show 712,008

While in court T.I.’s lawyers explained to the judge that Tip has long been addicted to drugs and has recently fallen of the wagon.  According to the AJC:

  • Ed Garland, one of Harris’ lawyers, said the rapper has long been addicted to drugs, and after having seven root canals and three teeth extracted early this year began taking prescription painkillers that “brought back an experience he had escaped from.”

    Harris took some and kept some for later, and he also began using ecstasy with his wife and drinking prescription cough medicine mixed with soda water.

    Progressively, slowly, he went off the wagon,” Garland said. “He wasn’t being a bad person, except to himself.

However, Tip himself told the judge that he was done with drugs:

  • I screwed up bigtime, and I’m sorry. I’m truly and sincerely sorry. I don’t want and I don’t need to use drugs anymore. I want them out of my life.

Judge Charles Pannell Jr. was not buying it:

  • [T.I.] has had about the limit of second chances, The worst thing is this case was an experiment, You certainly dumped a lot of smut on the whole experiment

I mean I can’t be mad at the judge.  Tip realy has exaughsted all of his oppertunities, and now has to deal with the consequences.  The real crazy part about this article, is that the convicted felon that Tip was with in his Maybach when he got arrested was Cortez Thomas.  He was the same guy that set him up on federal gun charges in the first place.  You would have thought Tip would have stopped associating himself with that dude after he ratted him out to Federal agents.  I guess T.I. is more willing to give people second chances than the federal court system is.

I also thought the courtroom sketch of Tip was slightly comical.



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