Shyne Released And Deported To Belize

15 years ago view-show 797,643


Welcome home Shyne. JamalShyneBarrow is no more, Shyne converted to Judaism and changed his name to Moses Leviy during his 9 year incarceration,  was released and deported to his place of birth Belize where he lived to the age of 13. Shyne was escorted to a unknown airport where he boarded a plane to Belieze. Shyne was accompanied  by Harvard professor Charles Ogletree, Ogletree will be assisting Shyne with his fight against the immigration case. Shyne was greeted by his mother  Imeon Myvett, father Dean Barrow who is the Prime Minister of Belize, and family. The Minister of Housing Michael Finnegan who is Shyne’s uncle released this statement….

Shyne is home,He wants to say how happy he is to be home and to be a free man. He would love to have a conversation with the media, but because he was legally advised by Professor Ogletree, he must not speak to the media because he doesn’t want to prejudice his situation with the US government or with the Belize government.”