Producer To Watch: Whit Kane

4 years ago view-show 32,670

When he’s not on the field for Charlotte’s football team, Whit Kane is busy making hits. His melodies and drums complement each other effortlessly, bringing life to his beats. For the most part, Whit uses a mixture of synths and real instruments to create his melodies. You will feel the energy in his production even before his beats drop.

In the past year, Whit has teamed up with up and coming artist, Kevin Powers, to create two of his biggest hits, “Walked In” and “Punchline.” The latter was released in January and was received very well.  Kevin Powers grooves on top of Whit’s production with smooth melodies and infectious energy. Together, they will continue to release hits throughout 2021 – it is just the beginning for the two of them.

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