Producer To Watch: Donnie Katana

4 years ago view-show 8,514

Not one to shy away from video game samples or atmospheric synths, Donnie Katana takes listeners for a soothing, yet trippy ride with his production. His style has an ambient feel that is brought back to earth by his drums and 808s, while heavenly pianos and strings gently accent his production. What’s unique about Donnie is he always seems to use just the right amount of any given instrument. No sound in his production is overwhelming – he blends melodies with drums effortlessly, leaving more than enough space for an artist to create a masterpiece.

In 2020, Donnie collaborated with the likes of $NOT and YBN Nahmir. On $NOT’s song, “Human Being,” Donnie’s keys are simultaneously ominous and carefree, allowing $NOT and Night Lovell to fill out the song with their deep, monotone voices. Donnie will continue to put out great music and 2021 holds a lot of opportunities for the young producer.

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