Playstation And Nintendo Reveal New Gaming Consoles

13 years ago view-show 740,322


Last night this year’s E3, Sony announced their new handheld gaming console – the Playstation Vita.

“Successively launching in the global market for $249 starting the end of this year, PS Vita incorporates a beautiful 5-inch multi-touch organic light emitting diode (OLED) as the front display and a unique multi-touch pad on the rear. Two analog sticks enable a wider range of game genres. Together with the front touch screen and the rear touch pad, PS Vita offers new gameplay, enabling entirely new experiences.”

They also partnering up with AT&T to make the device connect with 3G and WiFi.


Not to be out done by Sony, Nintendo unveils their next generation home console – the Wii U.

With this console Nintendo digs in the HD graphics world, the feature that’s most eye catching thus far is the 6.2 inch touchscreen controller.  Lastly, the Wii U lets you play old Nintendo games and is motion-sensor capable.