Peep Game: The Top 10 Best Rappers You Don’t Know in 2014

10 years ago view-show 4,623,102

5. Raury

18-year-old Atlanta rapper Raury is sort of the odd man out on this list because he’s not purely an emcee but a singer-songwriter, of sorts. His debut project Indigo Child serves as a collection of campfire songs that, despite their grandiose sounds, are heartbreakingly intimate. Raury is already generating a buzz and if he finds a way to organize his ideas into cohesion he will be a future threat in the music industry.

Sounds Like: André 3000, Kid Cudi, and Frank Ocean thrown into a blender with some Bon Iver sprinkled on top.
Project(s) to Check Out: Indigo Child
Upon First Listen: A promising young rapper with a lot of interesting ideas who needs to tinker with and refine his sound.
Notable Line(s): “I’ll always be a nigga from the east side of Atlanta/ And just cause I got manners and speak with proper grammar/ Don’t mean I’ll ever think twice about slapping you with the hammer”.
Staying Power: There’s definitely loads of potential for Raury to stick around and his breakout YouTube hit “God’s Whisper” hints at the wonderfully eccentric style he needs to commit to 100% in order to find his niche market.


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