Logic Drops Surprise Loosie, “Tired in Malibu”

3 years ago view-show 3,960

New music from Bobby Tarantino himself.

A rapper of Logic’s pedigree is afforded certain luxuries that most pine for: he can vacation whenever he pleases, drop music at his leisure, and enjoy a multitude of opulent hallmarks. Combining the first two points, the Bobby Tarantino rapper recently released a surprise single, “Tired in Malibu.”

Coming in at a succinct one-minute, the new Logic loosie is further evidence that his bars are among the game’s most refined and that he can make the shortest song have the grandest impact. Judging purely by the length, “Tired in Malibu” might appear as a quick listen, but it brims with easter eggs, forcing multiple listens for adequate comprehension.

Check out “Tired in Malibu” below: