16 years ago view-show 520,740













Looks like the paps are now out to get Kanye. He was arrested in my home city of Newcastle earlier today after appearing at the Newcastle Arena on a UK stop of his Glow in the Dark tour. Allegedly Kanye smacked this dude as he was leaving hot night spot Tup Tup palace which is a meeting point for all the north of England’s rich and famous.
The reason for the attack is speculated to be because Kanye was in pimp mode and leaving the club with a couple of females and not the harem that other media outlets are saying and he wasn’t really happy that he was being captured on camera. The dude basically had a scratch on his nose which in actuality looked like a graze.
A couple of party revelers who were outside the nightspot said ‘the bloke (man) was asking for it, he was all up in Kanye’s business.’ Anyhow Kanye was released without being charged after being arrested at his hotel.