iHipHop Exclusive Interview: Theo Martins Speaks On His Backround, Musical Tastes & His Acting Career

14 years ago view-show 991,584

So I got the chance to chop it up with one of my favorite up and coming artists, Theo Martins.  This guy has just been killing it with his highly original music, videos, and even his mixtape artwork.  The interview was pretty introductory.  We mainly went over his background and how it has influenced him.  Theo also discusses his thought process on his most recent and dope video for his “Power Party Supplies Remix“.  Theo also lets us know that he has done some acting and was most notably in Amistad.  Check it out below.


Theo Martins Speaks On His Backround, Musical Tastes & His Acting Career from iHipHop on Vimeo.
