Famous Dex Releases “My Life Crazy” Video

6 years ago view-show 140,184

Dex takes us on a journey of his wild ride.

When you’re a 25-year-old with racks of dead presidents peeking out of the pockets of freshly-purchased designer jeans, life, for all intents and purposes, is good–or, at least, better. When that same 25-year-old introspectively reflects on the juxtaposition of his current star-status with nights of adolescently navigating life through the lens of fear and uncertainty, the crucible that forged this dualistic perspective can confirm the unconventionality of this young life.

For Famous Dex, that situation hits all too close to his Chicago home. Dex has lived life on the fringes of society, unsure of what tomorrow might bring–or if tomorrow will come at all. Now, leading an auspicious life of a bubbling rapper–with a fan base so loyal that one patron even attempted to steal a plane to see a Dex show one night–Dex is afforded the luxury of being able to convert harrowing circumstances into musical memoirs.

Recently, Famous Dex did just that with the release of his Worldstar-exclusive video for his song, “My Life Crazy”.

Within the video’s first 20-seconds, the absurdity of Dex’s life is fully illuminated by the props that litter the set: lighting up backwoods the size of baseball bats; toting a pistol with an extended clip that eagerly peers out of his camo pants; waving adoringly at his child via FaceTime. No, a night for Dex is not one garnished by the archetypical surroundings of your average mid-20s guy.

“You don’t know what the fuck I’ve been through. I’ve been through hell and back,” Famous Dex recites at the song’s onset. For some of Dex’s fans, watching and listening about his Crazy Life is a vicarious departure from their pedestrian lives into a dangerous world that, according to their experience, appears more mythical that realistic. For Dex, recounting these stories presumably provides him with more catharsis than entertainment–these memories are all too real, their effects burn brightly.

To watch a preview of this wild life, hit play on “My Life Crazy” below: