Did Jay Z’s Tidal Streaming Service Already Rip Off Someone?

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Jay Z may have caused some huge hype byway of his new Tidal streaming service but it looks as if there’s already trouble in paradise as he’s being accused of ripping off an English music artist/producer.

Read more after the jump!

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Last night Jay Z began the rollout for his new streaming service, Tidal, which he purchased for over $56 million, but the campaign seems to have already hit a snag. Tri Angle Records artist the Haxan Cloak, a collaborator on Björk’s critically-acclaimed Vulnicura, has been tweeting about how the sparse, beat-driven soundtrack to the video promo for the service bears resemblance to his songs. Check out his tweet above.

This, of course, is quite ironic given that Jay Z’s Tidal whole thrust of their recent campaign is that this is an artist-centered streaming service that strives to put the musician first, the accusations take on greater weight. The tracks that seem most similar to the Tidal promo video are “Mara” and “The Mirror Reflecting Pt. 1.” Listen to those below, along with the video to see if you hear similarities.

Source: Pitchfork