Why NYC Hip-Hop Needs To Change…

14 years ago view-show 7,826,445














Over the past couple of weeks I’ve beeing thinking a lot about how irrelevant NYC Hip-Hop has become.  Granted some of the biggest hip-hop stars are from NYC (i.e. Jay-Z, Diddy, 50 Cent, & Nas).  However, name one big hip-hop act to come out of NYC since 2005?  Not had a single that got radio play.  But became a prominent player in the hip-hop game?

So who is going to make NYC relevant again?  Cory Gunz just inked a deal with Southern based Young Money/Cash Money.  I like the kid but how is NYC going to be brought back by a kid signed to a label that was started in New Orleans?  Mickey Factz finally got singed to Jive/Battery but that signing is about a year late, and the “hipster/scenster” rap seems to be over hyped, and definitely isn’t selling.  Plus Mickey Factz saving NYC hip hop? C’mon son.  There is a lot of buzz around Cam’s new Protege, Vado.  Kid is super nice.  The new Boss Of All Bosses 2.5 tape is absolute fire.  That being said he is making the type of music that rap nerds such as myself love, but I don’t see him changing the landscape of the rap game.


The way I’m talking about “saving” NYC is part of the problem.  NYC doesn’t need a new artist.  NYC needs a new sound.  We don’t need one artist always killing radio.  We need all the songs on radio to sound like NYC records.  We need people to react to songs like “that’s that NY ish” not “that’s that new track from an artist who happens to be from NYC”.  It needs to be bigger than one person, which in the ego-centric city of NYC can be hard to do.


How does NYC get to the forefront of hip-hop relevancy again?  Now that’s a question I don’t have the answer to.  However, I feel like it should start with the production.  I feel like the lyrics can’t be as gritty as they once were based on how the city has evolved.  The drugs and violence have gotten a lot less prevalent, the only downside of a phenomena like that is that rap music becomes a little less cool.  So to counter that lack of grittiness in the lyrics, I feel like that NYC grit needs to come from the production. NYC needs to be a little more proactive as opposed to reactive.


I’m not saying Dub Step is the solution, but I think it’s a good example.  Take this “Saxon” reference track Nicki Minaj did for Rihanna, It’s pretty much dub step.  For another example check out this “Nobody Move!” off Trouble Andrew’s Trouble Gang mixtape.  Once again I’m not saying this is the solution, but I think it’s a decent suggestion.  The fact of the matter is that for this new sound to be created it has to happen organically.  Some f*ck boy blogger isn’t going to save NYC hip-hop.  That responsibility lies on the next generation of artists in NYC.  So NYC I’m waiting…



  1. Im from Bklyn, NY and I totally agree with this article. I think the NY radio stations a BIG part of the problem. I dont even listen to the radio no more cause every time I tune in its the same songs every 5 mins, and 90% of the music is south. I like south music I dont hate but NY need to play NYC shit too. I think Joell Ortiz is holding NYC down right now. The Nissan, Honda, Chevi was a good look for him and for NYC Hip-Hop. Hopefully they give him more radio play in NY and promote his new CD more. P.S. Everytime I go outta town to the south, north, or west, the radio stations show NY mad love. NY radio need to wake up.

  2. aight i read this article and not to front. i really understand now. i look at it like this. nyc got nickki m and joell ortiz and that was the last i heard. now me to be honest i try to catch up. but im not getting any attention and no matter how many times you go to a show and go

  3. go to mad clubs to meet up with other artist. your not going to get the attention you need. i make my own beats and all so to me i say fuck it. just keep doing what you do and you will get the attenion you need. this internet shit changed the game and now its like people better off doing shows with out no help. get money on your own. and with that you will be able to be on radio or stuff like that. now it is going to cost you. and speaking of costing. how come when you go to a show and want to participate in a show “not going to say no names” you have to come out of pocket to perform. what type of shit is that. like for instance. you going to be on tv right then they tell you to pay this and you can go here. this is bullshit to me cause they can be on some shit like…… not seeing yourself on tv
    and thats fucked up. happen to me. but your better off fucking with this internet shit now and get known out here. get discovered and you will be good money. right now im working on my album. produced by me mixed by me and everything. i also sell beats so if yall looking for that “new sound” hit me up. sorry i know my blog is mad long but this is true. listen to the way the music sound now.

  4. pray,&pray 4 ya'll down fall!! 😀
    it's about the south,it has always been about the south..ya'll come back home..ya'll ran years ago..underround railroad…com'on back SON!

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