Tiny Talks Wedding & T.I.

15 years ago view-show 956,835


Tameka “Tiny” Cottle a.k.a. T.I.’s girl recently did an interview with XXL and discussed how she’s coping with T.I.’s jail bid and the two getting married. Tiny talks how it’s affected their relationship saying:

“Well, right now it’s pretty easy because our relationship is where it is. He’s there and I’m here, so all I have right now is to make sure I do a lot of focusing on my career. Once he comes home, I’m going to try and balance it out. We email each other all day long and we speak a couple of times throughout the day. I go to see him one day every week.”

Tiny then reveals that the two plan on getting married, but plans are on hold till T.I. is released, she tells XXL:

“Sometime [next] year, but we can’t really give a date yet because we have to find out exactly when Tip is coming home. We’ll have to just plan around that, but I envision a fairy tale wedding.”

While Tip is gone, Tiny’s been keeping busy and a second season of her show “Tiny And Toya” with Lil Wayne’s ex-wife Toya, is set to run on BET early next year.