Artist To Watch: HANZ

4 years ago view-show 5,643

Tap in with HANZ.

New Jersey native HANZ has steadily been making a name for himself over this past year. He dropped two mixtapes in 2020, “Praylude” and “Vagabond”, presenting a unique and versatile sound to the rap game.

“Vagabond” is filled with drum heavy beats and synths that help create a dark and mysterious atmosphere around the music. It’s easy for listeners to feel as though they’re somewhere else completely when they hear it. Besides his artistry, HANZ has shown his philanthropic side by donating the proceeds from his “Praylude” mixtape straight back to his Newark community. To add to all of this, HANZ is also one of the founding members of BLXDY RXSE, a collective meant to bring creative people together. 

HANZ mentioned that he is working on new music and I am expecting to hear a lot more from the artist in 2021. Listen to “Vagabond” here and give HANZ a follow on Instagram.